Old Age Homes In Faridabad: Evolution of Old Age Homes

Old Age Homes In Faridabad: In recent years, in Faridabad, the concept of old age homes has undergone significant transformations, impacting various sectors of society.

While modern lifestyles have brought about positive changes for the younger population, the elderly, often referred to as seniors or elders, face unique challenges due to these societal shifts.

One notable change reflecting this transition is the increasing prevalence of old homes (OAHs) in Faridabad and beyond. Old age homes in India have undergone a significant transformation in recent years, moving away from the traditional perception of gloomy and lonely institutions.

Old age or retirement homes have become a preferred choice for many senior citizens, especially from the middle-class segment of Indian society. These homes offer a range of benefits, including specialized care, a social environment with peers, safety, security, and engaging activities tailored to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle for the residents.

Old age homes in Faridabad have evolved from the conventional institutions of the past to become Senior Livings that prioritize the independence, choice, and well-being of senior citizens.

These modern homes offer a range of amenities, personalized care, and a focus on health and wellness, catering to the changing needs and preferences of the elderly population.

Old Age Homes In Faridabad

Types of Old Age Homes in Faridabad

In India, there are two main types of old-age homes: free and paid.

Free old age homes cater to those who require assistance but cannot afford to pay for their stay, while paid old age homes offer luxury amenities and services for a monthly fee.

The availability of both options ensures that seniors from diverse financial backgrounds can find suitable accommodation in these community homes.

Faridabad, a city in Haryana, boasts several reputable old age homes that provide top-notch facilities and services for senior citizens.

The Dementia Care Old Age Homes in Faridabad offers a range of specialized services for seniors with dementia. These services include:

  1. Respite Care: Providing temporary care for seniors with dementia to give their primary caregivers a break.
  2. Nursing Homes: Offering nursing care tailored to the needs of individuals with dementia.
  3. In-Home Support: Providing support services within the comfort of the individual’s own home.
  4. Education and Training: Offering educational programs and training sessions for individuals with dementia, their families, and caregivers.
  5. Support Groups: Facilitating support groups to create a network of emotional and practical support for seniors with dementia and their families.
  6. At-Home Physiotherapy: Providing physiotherapy services at home to help seniors with dementia maintain their physical well-being.

These services aim to enhance the quality of life for seniors with dementia by providing comprehensive care, support, and resources tailored to their specific needs.

Old Age Homes In Faridabad

Key ways in which modern old age homes differ from the conventional approach

1. Focus on Independence and Choice

Today’s old age homes, often referred to as senior living communities or retirement homes, prioritize the independence and choice of their residents.

Seniors are given the freedom to make decisions about their daily routines and lifestyle, without any compulsory restrictions.

The homes provide a platform for seniors to rediscover their talents, hobbies, and passions, allowing them to engage in learning and skill development.

2. Amenities and Facilities

Modern old-age homes offer a wide range of amenities and facilities tailored to the needs of senior citizens.

These include independent living units with senior-friendly designs, landscaped grounds, community halls, recreational centers, wellness facilities, and medical support.

The homes provide a comfortable and secure environment, with access to emergency care and assistance with daily activities.

3. Smaller Size and Personalized Care

In contrast to the larger, older free homes of the past, many modern old age homes are smaller in size, allowing for more personalized care and attention.

The staff is trained to provide compassionate and specialized care, catering to the individual needs of each resident. Some homes also offer assisted living options for seniors who require additional support.

Old Age Homes In Faridabad

4. Emphasis on Health and Wellness

Today’s old age homes place a strong emphasis on the overall health and well-being of their residents.

They offer a range of social, mental, and physical activities to promote a fulfilling and stimulating lifestyle.

The homes often have access to medical care and transportation, ensuring that seniors receive the necessary support for their health and well-being.

5. Changing Perceptions and Demand

With the breakdown of the traditional joint family structure and the increasing number of nuclear families, the demand for modern old-age homes has been rising.

The stigma and misconceptions surrounding old age homes are gradually being dispelled as more seniors and their families recognize the benefits of these communities.

As life expectancy increases and the population of senior citizens grows, the need for age-friendly living spaces is becoming more apparent.

Modern old age homes in Faridabad provide companionship to their residents in the following ways:

  1. Organized Events and Celebrations: Old-age homes often organize various events, activities, and celebrations that help residents feel like they are part of a wider community. This sense of belonging and community can be especially important for seniors who may feel isolated.
  2. Opportunities for Socialization: The homes provide numerous opportunities for socialization, such as group activities, exercise programs, outings, and social gatherings. These activities help seniors engage with their peers and combat feelings of loneliness.
  3. Constant Company of Peers: One of the key factors that make old age homes attractive to elders is the constant companionship of people their age. This peer-to-peer interaction can be very beneficial for seniors.
  4. Dedicated Caregiving Staff: The staff at modern old age homes are trained to provide compassionate and personalized care, catering to the individual needs of each resident. This one-on-one attention and support can help fill the void of loneliness.
  5. Outreach and Community Engagement: Some old age homes focus on local community outreach, connecting residents with the broader community and providing a sense of belonging beyond the home.
  6. Assisted Living Amenities: The provision of assisted living facilities, emergency support, and access to medical care can give seniors a sense of security and comfort, reducing feelings of isolation.
Old Age Homes In Faridabad

Old age homes in Faridabad help residents feel a sense of purpose 

Old age homes in Faridabad help residents feel a sense of purpose through various means that contribute to their emotional well-being and overall quality of life. 

  1. Companionship and Community: Old-age homes often organize events, celebrations, and group activities that foster a sense of belonging and purpose among residents. The social interactions and connections with peers in the community can help seniors feel valued and engaged.
  2. Opportunities for Contribution: Some old age homes offer activities that allow residents to participate in income-generating tasks like handicrafts, gardening, and cooking. Engaging in such activities not only provides a source of income but also helps seniors feel productive and useful, instilling a sense of purpose.
  3. Mental and Physical Well-being: Socialization and engagement in activities like exercise programs, outings, and celebrations provided by old age homes contribute to the emotional and mental well-being of residents. Maintaining mental and physical health reduces the risk of depression, anxiety, and other health issues, fostering a sense of purpose.
  4. Personalized Care and Support: Old-age homes offer medical care, nursing support, and assistance with daily activities, ensuring that residents receive the necessary attention and care for their well-being. This personalized care can make residents feel valued and cared for, enhancing their sense of purpose.
  5. Sense of Community and Belonging: Living in an old age home provides residents with a community of peers with whom they can share their joys and sorrows, fostering a sense of security and fellowship. This sense of belonging can give seniors a purposeful and fulfilling living environment.

Old-age homes in the Faridabad region are meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of its residents.

Old Age Homes In Faridabad

The facilities are equipped with thoughtfully appointed rooms to ensure the comfort and well-being of Seniors. The home takes pride in its team of responsible caretakers with pure-hearted souls dedicated to providing compassionate care.

Complementing this, the facility boasts fully qualified and well-prepared medical assistants, ensuring that residents receive prompt and competent medical attention. The devoted caretakers go beyond basic care, offering nutritious and flavorsome Indian meals that contribute to the overall health and satisfaction of the residents.

In addition to this, the home provides essential daily housekeeping and clothing services, enhancing the overall living experience for the elderly.


Recognizing the importance of mental and physical well-being, These Homes offers yoga, wellness programs, and physical exercises. These activities are designed to keep the residents physically active and stimulate their minds, ensuring a holistic approach to senior care.

The Old age homes in Faridabad focus on providing senior citizen housing facilities to citizens above 55 years of age, to make their after-retirement life remarkable and blissful.

The homes operates on the values of transparency, care, and professionalism, aiming to provide a secure, comfortable, active, and independent lifestyle for all residents.

Dr. Vishal Siwach
Dr. Vishal Siwach

Dr. Vishal Siwach is a distinguished alumnus of Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, and a seasoned entrepreneur with foundational roles in Siwach Hospital and Aviss Homes. Currently, he Co-Founded Gracias Living - an Assisted Living home for Seniors, where he applies his rich background in hospital administration and luxury living to senior care. Dr. Siwach’s career in healthcare and hospitality demonstrates his commitment to excellence and his passion for enhancing the quality of life for the elderly.

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